2023: Jenkins, Mark.
Artists explore the African diaspora. The Washington Post, November 17, Washington DC, USA.
2022: Freeman, Sholnn.
The Gallery of Fine Arts moves full-steam ahead with building one of the most comprehensive collections of art. Howard University Magazine, Washington DC, USA.
2022: Cizek, Katerina, and William Uricchio.
In Conversation: Co-Creation And Equity, Five Media-Makers Of Color Speak Out, “We are Here”: Starting Points in Co-Creation., Collective Wisdom: Co-creating Media for Equity and Justice. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
2022: Contreras, Juan Manuel.
Afroyucatecxs: Memorias Vivas plasma vivencias de descendientes en Yucatán, La Jornada Maya, 6 de Enero, Mérida, Yucatán, México.
2021: Castellano, Carlos Garrido.
Art Activism for an Anticolonial Future, Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.
2021: Podalsky, Laura.
El giro afectivo, Nuevos acercamientos a los estudios latinoamericanos: cultura y poder. Edit by Juan Poblete. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : CLACSO; México: UNAM.
2021: Fleites, Alex.
Videoarte: un género que contiende en las fronteras: Entrevista a Andres D. Abreu, Oncubanews, January 8, Oncubanews.com, Miami, USA.
2020: De la Nuez, Ivan. Cubantropía, Editorial Periférica, Cáceres, Spain.
2020: Egea, Eduardo.
Lo local y lo digital, Opinión, Crónica.Com.MX, CDMX; Mexico.
2019: Sierra Medina, Claudia Ivonne.
Dispuestos a experimentar, Diario de Yucatan, January 12, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
2018: Iaroc, Andrea.
Raul Moarquech Ferrera-Balanquet: A Master Storyteller, West Palm Beach Magazine, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
2018: Jefferson, Deon C.
The Box Galleru Welcomes Artists Dr. Raul Moarquech Ferrera-Balanquet, South Florida Gay News, Wilton Manors, Florida, USA.
2018: Vazquez, Rolando.
Be.Bop - Black Europe Body Politics (2012-ongoing), Decolonial Documents: Part Four, Frieze, Issue 199, November-December, London-New York-Berlin.
2018: Almela, Ramon.
Memorias Relacionales Del Exodo Latino, Revista Criticarte, Puebla, Mexico.
2017: Suárez, Juan Antonio.
El Lower East Side puertorriqueño y el underground queer XCÈNTRIC 2017 (9).
2017: Harris, Thomas Allen.
ALTERNATE ENDINGS, RADICAL BEGINNINGS Video and Artist Statement, The Visual AIDS Blog, Wednesday December 13
2017: Gongora Guzman, Omar y Carnaveli Ramirez, Debora. Arte Accion desde La Periferia, Merida, Mexico: Ayuntamiento de Merida and ESAY.
2017: Rodriguez Moreno, Celenis.
Ferrera Balanquet, Raul Moarquech (comp.) (2015). Andar erotico decolonial. El desprendimiento. Buenos Aires: Ediciones del
Signo, Revista LiminaR. Estudios Sociales y Humanisticos, vol. XV, num. 2, Mexico, pp. 215-219.
2016: Cornejo, Kency.
Ancestral Memories, Forces, and Bodies: The Work of Raul Moarquech Ferrera-Balanquet, Online Catalog, Ancestral Memories, Jameson Gallery, Duke University, Durham, North Carolinia, USA.
2016: Gongora Guzman, Omar y Carnaveli Ramirez, Debora. Merida: Arte & Accion desde la periferia,
Arte-Accion y Performance en los Muchos Mexicos, Josefina Alcazar, coord., Mexico DF: Centro de Investigacion, Documentacion e Informacion Teatral Rodolfo Usigli (CITRU) – Centro for
Latina/o Studies in the Americas, University of San Francisco, La jaula abierta.
2015: Mignolo, Walter D. Prefacio a los Tres Volumenes Editados por Zulma Palermo, Pablo Quintero, MarÃa E. Borsany y Raul Moarquech de la Coleccion
Desprendimiento (Abril 2015), Trayectorias de re-existencia: ensayos en torno a la colonialidad/decolonialidad del saber, el sentir y el creer, Walter D. Mignolo,
Pedro Pablo Gomez. Bogota: Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas.
2015: Alexander, Jacqui.
Groundings on Rasanblaj, E-misferica Vol. 12, Issue 1.
2014: Mosquera, Gerardo and Papastergiadis, Nikos.
The Geopolitics of Contemporary Art, IBRAZZ, Platform 008, Galeria Casa Colon, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
2014: Mignolo, Walter D.
Aesthesis Descolonial, Otros Logos, Revista de Estudios Criticos, No. 5, Centro de Estudios y Actualizacion en Pensamiento Politico,
Decolonialidad e Interculturalidad, Universidad Nacional de Comahue, Neuquen, Argentina.
2014: Chavez, Daniel B.
Decolonial Aesthesis: Arte Nuevo InteractivA and A New Generation of Decolonial Thinkers, Makers, and Doers, E-Misferica, Vol. 11. No. 1.
2013: Maksoud, Keli.
aluCine Latin Film & Media Arts Festival 2013, Dialogos Intercultural Services, Toronto, Canada.
2013: Kaminski, Astrid.
Highlights 2013: Die seltsamsten und schönsten Tanzperformances, Frieze Magazine, Berlin, Germany
2012: Montes de Oca Moreda, Dannys. Raul Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet > Moviendose At The Crossroads, DysTorpia Media Series Catalog, Queens Museum of
Art, New York City, USA.
2012: Montes de Oca Moreda, Dannys.
Raul Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet > Moviendose At The Crossroads, Escaner Cultural, Revista Virtual de Arte Contemporaneo
y Nuevas Tendencias, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
2010: Smith, Royce W.
A Crisis of Super-Sized Proportions (or Why the Next Great Art Biennial Should Not Be Curated by an Uber-Platinum Frequent Player), X-TRA
Vol. 13, No 1, Los Angeles, California, USA.
2009: Nava, Eduardo.
Brief Notes on Days Three and Four at Transitio_MX, Remix Theory, October.
2007: Lara Rivera, Jorge. La miel de la memoria en tres deslumbramientos, Catalog for Arte Nuevo InteractivA 2007, Merida. Mexico.
2007: Cippitelli, Lucrezia.
New Art INTERACTIVA, Digicult: digital art, design and culture, Rome, Italy.
2006: Montes de Oca, Dannys. Del Forum Idea 2006, ARTECUBANO, 2, Havana, Cuba.
2005: Cippitelli, Lucrezia. Dentità e futuro post-tecnologico alla Biennale Interactiva 05, Lux Fluz Magazine, Rome, Italy.
2005: Navas, Eduardo.
The biennale InteractivA 05, LatinArt: An Online Journal of Art and Culture.
2005: Mayer, Monica.
Arte Nuevo InteractivA 05, Seccion Cultura, El Universal, July 1, Mexico DF.
2005: Nieto, Ignacio.
INTERVIEW: with Raul Ferrera-Balanquet, Organizer and Director of InteractivA, Net Art Review, April.
2003: Figueroa, Heidi.
Lo Politico de InteractivA 03, Teknokultura, Vol. 3, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2003: Ilich, Fran. Delete the Border!, The Politics of Information: The Electronic Mediation of Social Change, Marc Bousquet and Katherine Wills, eds., Alt-X Press,
Stanford, California, USA.
2003: Hubbard, Jim. Introduction: A Short, Personal History of Lesbian and Gay Experimental Cinema, Millennium Film Journal, Issue No. 41, Fall 2003.
2001: Garcia-Fenech, Giovanni.
InteractivA '01 Brings Digital Art to Mexico, Artforum Online, April.
2001: Valdes, Gustavo. Once Upon An Island: A Tale Of Two Cubas, Catalog for Cuban Allure, The Light Factory, Charlotte, North Carolina and Colorado University
Art Galleries, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
2000: Amanda McDonald-Crowley interviewed by Keith Gallasch.
Working the Screen 2000. ANAT's special alchemy, RealTime, Issue #38 ,Aug-Sept 2000.
2000: Muñoz, Jose Esteban. The Onus of Seeing Cuba: Nilo Cruzs Cubania, The South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. 99, No. 2/3, Spring/Summer.
1998: Birbragher-Rozencwaig, Francine.
Breaking Barriers
Selections from the Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art's Permanent Contemporary Cuban Collections,
ArtNexus 28. Arte en Colombia 74. Apr - Jun.
1998: De la Nuez, Ivan.
Mariel en el Extremo de la Cultura, Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana, No. 8 / 9, Spring / Summer, Madrid, Spain.
1997: Bonfil, Carlos. Al Margen del Margen: Mix Mexico 97, La Jornada, March, Mexico City.
1996: Reid-Pharr, Robert F., Catalog for Mix 96, New York City.
1996: Lopez, Ana M.
Greater Cuba, The Ethnic Eye, ed. Chong Noriega and Ana M. Lopez, University of Minnesota Press, USA.
1996: Ortiz, Chris.
The Forbidden Kiss: Raul Ferrera-Balanquet and Enrique Novelo Cascante's Merida Proscrita, The Ethnic Eye, ed. Chong Noriega and Ana M.
Lopez, University of Minnesota Press, USA.
1995: Fusco, Coco, Miranda's Diary, English is Broken Here: Notes on Cultural Fusion in the Americas, the New Press, New York, USA.
1995: Nicholson, Judith.
Black Inqueeries, Afterimage, June, Rochester, New York, USA.
1993: Makarah, O.Funmilayo.
Failed Experiment, Afterimage, December, Rochester, New York, USA.
1991: Merrett, Jim. Raul Ferrera-Balanquet rediscovers his Cuban Heritage in Iowa City, The Advocate, June, Los Angeles, California, USA.
1991: Knapper, Karl Bruce. The Many Shades of Gay, Bay Area Reporter, June, San Francisco, California, USA.